Tuesday, August 4, 2009

"Many Colors" by Owen

Another not-100 degree day! Hurray! It was nice enough to let the boys (all six of them plus a cousin) play in the backyard for our playdate. Then Aidan took a nice long nap, then woke up just in time for Owen to take one. Well, I'm not lucky enough that they would take a nap together, you know. So Aidan and I watched Snatch (what???) and ate snacks. Quit giving me dirty looks - he'll never know I exposed him to British gangsters with extreme potty mouths at such a tender young age.

Tomorrow I think we will check out the Cooper Mountain nature trails. We could do with some more fresh air.

I expressed a desire to go on a vacation to Greenland (because it's quiet and sparsely populated) - Katie and I are already there in our minds. I am knitting in the spare white-washed cottage with a view of Baffin Bay, sitting in a green wing back armchair while Katie has set up a sewing machine on the scrubbed oak table near the window seat to piece together a quilt top. There is no tv, but a tinny radio plays nocturnes in the background.

If nothing else, at least I can go on vacation in my mind...


Dana said...

Calgon - take me away!!!

Katie Elizabeth said...

I'm there, so there.

Oh, and I have watched Snatch, I could barely understand half of what they were saying, so I don't think that your child will be scarred.

Lynda said...

Well!! that's all very lovely, but the Australian holiday comes first. Katie can come too :)