Monday, December 12, 2011

Of an evening

There's nothing like the warm rosy glow of an evening filled with lights, candles and Christmas music, is there?


Lynda said...

There is nothing like it. Wish I was there to soak it up! Pics are lovely.

Sarah said...

Oh me oh my!! I am envious! I hope we get a tree... at least a little charlie brown. Can't wait to be home, but first 3 days in NYC. There'll be lights there, I'm sure of it! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Sayschnicklefritz said...

Love the tree and the colored lights. One of my strands went wonks and I couldn't for the life of me find more, so I settled for white lights. Feel my tree looks a bit sad/lackluster. Wannh wanh.

BEESTLYproducts said...

wow! your tree is so pretty!