Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Dinner and a movie

I promised Owen he could have a popcorn party a few nights ago. It was a huge success. Scooby Doo and popcorn - what could be better? Owen was amazed to watch the bag inflate in the microwave; couldn't quite grasp the idea that the white part was inside the smaller kernel. When he's bigger we'll get one of those stove top deals - we tried it once when he was smaller but he got scared by the noise. It was a bit too intense, I guess. I wish I knew what happened to the old popcorn popper I had in college. Probably in someone's garage by now. Too bad, it was a good one!

Like I said, I don't think you can buy contentment like this. These are the fun moments I look forward to introducing to the boys. Pretty soon we'll all be watching movies in our pjs, sprawled on pillows, wrapped in quilts, shoveling in the popcorn and toasting each other with our hot chocolate. Cheers!


Lynda said...

That's a photo right out of our house. Even the stainless steel bowl for popcorn. A popcorn and movie night is up there among our all time favourite things to do. I can even get the kids to pop the corn and make the Milos.

Katie Elizabeth said...

One of my favorite things is when I get to introduce Maddie to a favorite. Like the other day, she found out the "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" with Sarah Jessica Parker is WAY cooler than "Another Cinderella Story" with Selena Gomez. And a while ago, she completely fell in love with Luke Skywalker, or "Mark" as she liked to call him.

Katie Elizabeth said...

I was just thinking. I feel like I have said this all before. Funny how movies are such a huge part of our lives... movies and snacks.

Dana said...


Erin Joy said...

Near as I can figure it's like our Ovaltine.