Monday, October 17, 2011

To and from

On the way to school - nearly there!

And now we head back - wait at the stop sign, please!

It rained A LOT last week.  This week promises sunshine, thank goodness.


"Mom, I bet our neighbors don't even know they have a pet spider!"

Just around the bend and we're home!


I don't mind telling you I'm just the teensiest bit tired of sewing right now.  I'm nearly ready to do the binding on Auction Quilt #2 and my fingers are getting sore!  I haven't knit anything in ages - it kind of feels like cheating on someone.  "No, I swear, it's just for the auction!  You know I love you, right?"  On the bright side (knitting-wise) I have a whole pile of yarn waiting to be turned into a sweater for a certain sister.  And yesterday I spent the whole day writing which felt so good.  I love sitting at my little desk, occasionally looking out the front door as the world passes by.  This certainly has been a productive month! 


Sarah said...

Lovely!! I'm so glad I could help you jump back into your knitting!

Lynda said...

So lush, green and pretty! What's Owen found?

Erin Joy said...

He was burying a seed in the dirt hoping it would grow!

BEESTLYproducts said...

another quilt?! you're an animal.