Sunday, March 27, 2011

Links to an excellent weekend

knitting bowl

What a terrific weekend! For the first time in a long time I don't feel sick or tired or cranky. A girls-weekend will do that for you, I guess. Especially when it's your favorite designer gal pal! We spent the day thrifting (more on those treasures later - and can I say it's cool that "thrifting" is a verb now?), eating chocolate at Pix, fondling (and, yes, buying) yarn at Happy Knits (OMG so good), eating chicken salad at Marco's and finally ended the evening laughing until we almost peed our pants (thank you, Eddie Izzard Live at Madison Square Garden - your barfing cow bit will always have a warm spot in my heart).  Just doing ONE of any of these things is enough to make my day, but all together?  Well, I've pretty much been doing a Snoopy dance in my brain ever since.

Also making me happy? School starts tomorrow! If you need me I'll be twirling on top of a mountain somewhere... The hills are alive with the sound of muuuuuuusic...


Lynda said...

Seriously Erin those links are torture! I might fly to America just to visit Pix. Dessert dining at its best! And the yarn... torture I tell you!!

Katie Elizabeth said...

I totally agree. Just what I needed to get my mojo back!