Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Nice to see the sun hasn't totally abandoned us. We woke this morning to bright sun on sparkling lawns; already the clouds are moving in, but it was nice while it lasted. To brighten the gloomy house we bought these lovely pink tulips at the grocery store yesterday. When we got home they were tightly furled, but soon the warmth of the house opened them up. I know cut flowers don't last long and are kind of a waste of grocery money (you can't eat them or cook with them, after all), but flowers are like food for the soul - especially on gray February days. Maybe that's all the reason I need.


Dana said...

"Flowers" and "reason" don't belong in the same sentence!!!

Lynda said...

Souls need nourishing and they're pink too!! Gorgeous. Such a pretty picture has lifted my spirits also and you know what a crabby day I had, don't you!