Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Y is for


There is so much yarn in this house it is piling up and spilling over. So far, I don't see a problem...

I do not, however, have my camera at the moment, so this shot of the front panel of the Presto Chango baby sweater will have to do. The yarn is a cotton/merino mix in "buttercream" (fabulous name, right?). I knit this up on the way home from Eugene with the yarn I bought that afternoon. Couldn't resist so I dug right in. Who am I, after all, to pass up two whole hours of free knitting time?? The actual sweater is nearly complete as well; the first sleeve is over half finished. This may be the quickest lil' sweater I've ever done!

1 comment:

Katie Elizabeth said...

You are getting so stinkin' fast!