Thursday, May 7, 2009

N is for

Nameless Horrors

The bugs - not the boy. Of course he wants to bring them all inside. "But Mom, I wuv my woly-poly! I wuv him!"

Naughty: Someone got into my stitch ring markers and dropped them down the heater vent behind my old blue armchair last night. Daddy had to reach all the way down to pluck them out - no way was I sticking my arm down there!!!

Nice: Both boys slept through the night last night! I feel like I won the lottery!


Katie Elizabeth said...

OMG. Don't you just love little faces, right up close. Please no one get that close to me and take a picture, but when we are young and our skin is all fresh and new!

Maddie has two slugs and a snail in a bug catcher sitting on her windowsill right now. She is supposed to let the bugs go before she comes inside. She was naughty.
She says they can't get away, they are too slow.

I have my doubts.

LittleCanoe said...

What a cutie!